Windsor Exceptional Students in Transition (WEST) Program

The Windsor Exceptional Students in Transition (WEST) Program offers our students community-based transition services for students between the ages of 18 - 21 who continue to have transition needs as they relate to their post-secondary goals.

Our program works to build the skills essential to independence: community living, work skills, and social / relationship skills.

Students in the WEST Program have completed the necessary requirements for obtaining their high school diploma and are ready to leave a traditional high school setting. The program is part-time and focuses on post-secondary goals, incorporating core academic skills into functional, real-life, hands-on experiences.  We work to provide instruction and experiences directly related to the functional life skills necessary for independence and competitive work in our community.

Support from Local Business

WEST student workers currently complete various job tasks in our schools and community, such as setting up / cleaning lunchrooms, filing, stuffing and mailing envelopes, emptying copy paper boxes, filling soda / snack machine, recycling, shredding, cutting and laminating, Box Tops / Milk Caps, setting up for meetings / events, moving boxes, hanging event posters, and distributing flyers. If your business is interested in collaborating with the WEST Program, please contact Heather Carson.