Gifted Programming

Gifted education enables gifted and talented students academic and rigorous content and learning experiences.

The curriculum is designed to encourage students to take risks, stretch themselves, and to learn depth of content at a faster pace. We offer a continuum of program options for gifted students, integrating acceleration and enrichment. Acceleration adjusts the pace, challenge, level, and time investment in education, whereas enrichment provides supporting challenges and instruction. We believe in the practice of combining acceleration with enrichment. Learn More

Elementary School Gifted Education

Gifted education specialists (GATE teachers) at each building work with gifted and advanced children through pull-out and / or replacement classes, challenging these learners to think deeply and critically. GATE teachers also support classroom teachers with resources and insight into gifted learners, so that gifted instruction doesn’t end when gifted learners leave the gifted pull-out classroom. They also work to develop a body of evidence that may lead to participation in the talent pool or in formal identification.

Middle School Gifted Education

The pull-out classes of elementary school are replaced with advanced classes, so that students are able to receive quality instruction in their strength areas every day. Advanced courses are available in language arts (reading, writing, and communicating) and mathematics. Content specialists have the knowledge and ability to push students to think deeper about subject areas.

Middle school is a time of change, and gifted learners sometimes require assistance in executive functioning skills, organization, time management, perfectionism, anxiety, and underachievement.

At Severance Middle School, students who are doing well academically have opportunities to select an interest area from a variety of choices for their ELO, providing additional enrichment for students. They are encouraged to develop interest projects or to participate in small group investigations. Students work with their content teachers and/or the GATE Facilitator to learn about concepts they wouldn't have time to learn about in a regular classroom setting. Under the guidance of the GATE Facilitator, they are able to sign up for an independent study as one of their electives if they have a specific investigation that requires significant time to complete. The program is student-driven, so some GATE students complete multiple projects and activities, or receive extensive affective support, while others find the advanced courses are sufficient challenge for them.

Windsor Middle School offers a variety of classes for gifted and advanced learners through elective classes. One major course is I-Search, where students identify and define authentic problems, and conduct extensive research in the process of solution-finding. The program brings multiple guest speakers into the classroom, and takes students on field trips related to their units of study. Other electives possibilities are sign language, brain bowl, and science bowl. Chess Club is one of several enriching opportunities offered through the GATE program. The program provides affective support through the language arts class, which investigates what it means to be a gifted learner, independence, risk-taking, and self-motivation.

High School Gifted Education

The high school offers 16 Colorado Career Clusters and a plethora of advanced options. While most students start at freshman levels, students demonstrating exceptional skill have opportunities for advancement through advanced classes, pre-AP classes, AP classes, dual credit classes, concurrent enrollment, independent study, and online learning options. These classes occur in both academic and talent areas. Many of these opportunities provide students the ability to earn college credit while in high school.

At this level, counselors assume the responsibility for meeting students' affective needs, providing services to meet immediate needs and concerns of students through individual and group counseling and consultation, referrals, and resources. Counselors also work with students on their Individual Academic and Career Planning (ICAP), through which students identify their skills, abilities, and interests in order to develop a career plan.