Advanced Learning Plans

Once a student has been identified and qualified as a gifted student, an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) is developed according to the student’s determined area(s) of giftedness, interests, and instructional and affective needs.

The ALP is a legal document outlining programming for gifted students and is used as a guide for educational planning and decision-making. For high school students, the ALP may be blended with an Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) if all content of the ALP are inclusive in the ICAP, including achievement and affective goals.

ALP Development Process

The ALP is a collaborative effort between parents / guardians, the student, and school staff. Staff most directly involved in educating the child will write the goal(s) with the parents and student. The primary service provider will work with the student to monitor progress toward the goal, and will send updates to the GATE Facilitator to add information and make changes to the official ALP.

We use the following process for developing ALPs. Items may be combined, depending student, parent, and school preference; time constraints; the number of goals and strengths being addressed; and the amount of input from outside sources that must be consulted before moving on with a proposal.

  • Review previous ALP. Document any final data that needs to be recorded. Determine outcome of goal (achieved, in progress, not yet achieved).
  • Meet with the student and discuss previous goals and the progress made toward these goals. Review improvement over time based on progress monitoring completed during goal duration.
  • When appropriate, complete student inventory or survey.
  • When appropriate, complete parent inventory or survey.
  • Discuss goal and service ideas with student, parents, and teachers (together or separately), based on such information as surveys, current coursework, standards, career and academic goals, and data.
  • Develop at least one specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely strength-based goal for each identified area of giftedness, and at least one specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely affective goal. The goal(s) specifically state(s) the measurement and any sub-goal, benchmark completion targets along the way.
  • Determine the accommodations, differentiation strategies, acceleration needs, and service structures needed for the student to excel in the classroom and to successfully reach the goal. This plan is developed in conjunction with school personnel, the student, the family, and anyone the family desires to include (ex: case manager, counselor, talent specialist).
  • Record all information into the database. Provide access (print and / or electronic copies) to teachers working with the student and parents. Place the original copy in the student's cumulative folder.
  • Review the goals periodically with the student, discussing progress toward the goals, next steps, and the degree of effectiveness of the service delivery method. Adjust goals, services, acceleration tactics, and / or instruction as needed.
  • Maintain communication with parent(s) via natural progress intervals (e.g., parent / teacher conferences, end of term, upon assignment completion) using various methods (e.g., email, note home, grade book comment, progress report printout) .
  • When a goal is reached, abandoned, or modified, document it.
  • Repeat the entire process every year.

Standards-Based ALP Goals

ALPs incorporate standards-aligned education and best practices in gifted instruction. This approach identifies the appropriate standards, at or above grade level, to challenge a gifted student, and provides opportunities to show application and transfer of those standards through standards-based goals.

The Colorado Academic Standards and National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) affective standards are most utilized for standards-based goals and instruction. Goals are strength-based in each area of giftedness, and may also relate to interests or a gap in learning.

Affective goals relate to personal, social, communication, leadership, and / or cultural competency.  It is also designed to enhance a strength, rather than fix a deficit. Sometimes the goal relates to a deficit a child has because the child needs that skill in order to succeed at a personal interest. For example, a student who is developing leadership might pursue a goal related to active listening because this will prepare him or her to lead a group effectively. This would be appropriate. It would not, however, be appropriate to have a goal related to active listening when a teacher or parent felt the student did not listen well to others. Goals should be based on areas students want to improve because they tend to be very personal, and the best way to succeed at an affective goal is to be vested in this effort.

Each goal will be reviewed, revised, and / or constructed each year to accommodate for the changing needs of students and changing service plans at each building. It will also be completed using the current standards of the student's level. Multiple year plans are utilized to ensure that students receiving accelerated paths have plans down the road. Students are asked to contribute to their plans by setting goals, indicating strengths and interests, and assisting in program design.