Quick Links
- Nutrition Fun for Students
- Nutrition Resources for Parents
- Does Your Child Make the Grade?
- Eat Your Fruits and Veggies Too
- Feed Your Family Fantastic Food for Less
- Healthy, Fun Snacks and Desserts for the Whole Family
- Healthy, Tasty and Creative Snacks for Kids
- How to Help Your Child Choose Foods Wisely
- Smart Snacks Product Calculator
- Two Simple Steps to Delicious and Nutritious Snacks
- Starting and Planning a Garden
- Vegetables: Planting dates and growing tips
- How to Start a Garden
- Nutrition for Athletes
- Wellness Resources for Parents
Nutrition & Fitness
We believe improved health optimizes student performance potential. We agree that children who are mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy are more likely to learn in the classroom. That's why we look to:
Promote healthy schools by supporting student wellness, good nutrition, and regular physical activity as part of the total learning environment.
Contribute to the basic health status of students by facilitating learning in our schools through the support and promotion of good nutrition and physical activity.
The winning recipe for a healthy lifestyle includes a combination of both good nutrition and physical activity. Your body needs a variety of nutrient rich foods to grow and prevent illness. Your body also needs to move and exercise every day.
Key things you need to know about leading a healthy lifestyle are:
- Eat a healthy diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grain products
- Control portion sizes and never "supersize"
- Get active for at least 60 minutes, five times a week for ages 6 - 18
- Avoid tobacco and illegal drugs all together
Physical Activity
Encourage your kids to get at least 60 minutes of moderate exercise each day (30 minutes for adults). Fit "fitness" into your busy day. Whether it is walking the dog, running, or riding a bike - make physical activity one of the healthy habits in your daily life. Limit sedentary activities. Student's lifestyles today are very different from their parents'. TV, video games, texting, and social media replace the neighborhood kickball game. Kids and teens are spending more time sitting and less time running, jumping, and playing. Commit to staying active. Students who are physically fit will -
- Find it easier to maintain a healthy weight
- Sleep better
- Have higher self-esteem and self-confidence
- Be more attentive in class and perform better in school
- Have proper growth with stronger bones, muscles, and joints
- Feel less stressed
- Reduce their risk of chronic disease
- Decrease the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes
- Have lower blood pressure
- Have lower LDL "bad" blood cholesterol levels, and raise HDL "good" cholesterol levels
- Feel happier and have a better outlook on life
Well-nourished students have higher test scores, increased school attendance, improved concentration, and improved classroom behavior.
At Home
Children's bodies need nutritious foods to grow and stay healthy, so make sure your student eats the right food and gets plenty of exercise. Whether you are grabbing breakfast before school or choosing a snack after sports practice, now is time to start teaching your children to make healthy choices. Develop the healthy eating habits today that will last a lifetime. Eat a balanced diet from each of the five food groups everyday - Grains, Vegetables, Fruits, Milk, and Meat & Beans - and go light on low nutrient "junk" food.
Family meals are a great time for parents to connect and share the details of the day. Plus, kids who eat regularly with their families are less likely to snack on unhealthful foods. Try to eat meals together as a family at least three times per week.
At School
Studies have shown that children whose nutritional needs are met, have fewer attendance and discipline problems and are more attentive in class. To help meet the nutritional needs of our students, we participate in the National School Lunch Program, following strict national and state nutrition guidelines, and provide nutritious lunches that contain one-third of the recommended dietary allowance of nutrients. We adhere to the recommended USDA dietary guidelines from MyPlate. This food guide focuses on nutrition and fitness, because the two go hand in hand. Recommendations are tailored for kids based on age, gender, and exercise habits. We have also developed a comprehensive school wellness policy and uphold the USDA's Federally Mandated Nutritional Value requirements, which defines the nutrition guidelines for school meals.
We are focused on the health of our school environment. We've established nutrition standards for all snacks sold in school by any entity, including parent / student organizations, teachers, boosters, fundraisers, or the Nutrition Services Department. These standards for snack sales are in effect from any time before school through half hour after school, in accordance with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act, the USDA, and our district Wellness Policy. Non-compliant foods may be sold 30-minutes after school through the end of the day. These standards carefully balance science-based nutrition guidelines with practical and flexible solutions to promote healthier eating on campus.
Wellness Policy and Committee
Our Wellness Policy is focused on improving the health of students. Balance is essential for any wellness policy, and our policy does indeed promote the balance between good nutrition and adequate physical activity for our students. It reflects that our schools and community empower students and staff to make positive choices for a lifetime in order to develop healthy lifestyles that support academic success and professional growth.
The policy was developed by the district Wellness Committee, which includes teachers, parents, administrators, and the district nurse. If you are interested in the most recent assessment or helping develop, review, update, and implement changes to our current school wellness policy, please contact Maura Benton.
The policy is assessed every three years per USDA regulations. An assessment report is then reviewed by the Wellness Committee who then determine if revisions are appropriate based on the report findings.