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Parent Applications

We utilize a variety of applications to communicate and collaborate with our families.

Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus is a student information system (SIS). It's where student transcripts, demographics, class schedules, report cards, and current overall course grades are housed.


ParentSquare is our messaging platform. Through ParentSquare, you will have two-way communication with staff, sign forms / permission slips, sign up for various events, and more.


Canvas is a Learning Management System (LMS) that is better suited for giving parents access to assignment details (due dates, requirements, descriptions, etc.), course resources, and student submissions.

LINQ Connect

LINQ Connect is a school meal management platform that allows families to manage and monitor all student meal funds in one place; make payments or set up automatic recurring payments; set low balance alerts; view live and up-to-date data; and apply for free and reduced meal eligibility