We look to create a secure school climate that fosters teaching, learning, and is free from threat, harassment, and any type of bullying behavior.

Any type of bullying in our schools is unacceptable.

Bullying is the use of coercion or intimidation to obtain control over another person and to cause physical, mental, or emotional harm to another person. Bullying can occur through written, verbal, or electronically transmitted expression or through physical act or gesture. Bullying is prohibited against any student for any reason, including, but not limited to, any such behavior that is directed toward a student on the basis of their academic performance or any basis protected by federal and state law, including disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, national origin, religion, ancestry, or the need for special education services, whether such characteristic(s) is actual or perceived.

Bullying is prohibited on district property, at district or school-sanctioned activities and events, when students are being transported in any vehicle dispatched by the district or one of its schools, or off school property when such conduct has a nexus to school or any district curricular or non-curricular activity or event.

Bullying Prevention

We follow the philosophy of the Colorado Department of Education's (CDE) mission on the Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS). PBIS looks to establish and maintain effective school environments that maximize academic achievement and behavioral competence of all learners in Colorado. It is a prevention-based framework for organizing evidence-based behavioral supports into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social outcomes for all students. Learn More

Bullying Report

To report instances of bullying or harassment, download the Bullying Report Form, fill in the information and details of the incident, and turn in a paper copy of your report to a trusted staff member or administrator at your school. Though reports can be anonymous, reporting anonymously creates significant barriers for school officials to properly investigate and resolve bullying situations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is bullying? Bullying is the use of coercion or intimidation to obtain control over another person and to cause physical, mental, or emotional harm to another person. See above for details.

If bullying occurs, what should my student do? Immediately report instances of bullying or harassment to a trusted school staff member or administrator.

What happens when there is a report of bullying? Staff members immediately investigate reports, obtaining multiple perspectives.

What happens to someone who bullies? Any type of bullying in our schools is unacceptable. The actions of the individual are evaluated in line with school policy, the Student Code of Conduct, and the Discipline Matrix. Due to student privacy laws, disciplinary action(s) cannot be shared.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact your school principals or counselors.