Frequently Asked Questions

When will the boundaries be decided and by whom?

We look to have extensive community engagement and input in this process, led by the Boundary Committee. On November 13, 2023, the boundary committee’s recommendation will be brought to the Board of Education and voted on. The final plan — approved by the Board of Education — will go into effect for the 2024 - 2025 school year for elementary schools and the 2025 - 2026 school year for middle schools.

Who is on the committee?

The committee is comprised of one parent representative from each school (9), one staff representative from each educational level (3), one administrator from each educational level (3), and liaisons from the Board of Education (1), Windsor-Severance Education Association (1), Transportation Department (1), and Exceptional Student Services Department (1).

Will there be a chance for public comment?

Yes. Three community forums - August 29 at Windsor High School, August 31 at Severance High School, and September 5 virtually - were held so community members could hear the latest from the committee and weigh in on the options they present. A survey was also provided to collect community feedback from September 26 - October 6.

Will students be allowed to complete their school years at the school they started in?

While the boundary changes have not yet been finalized, one of the guiding principles of the boundary decisions is to maintain continuity in the K-12 experience for students. The Boundary Committee will be making recommendations to the Board of Education regarding procedures for students continuing at their current school.

Why can't we expand our schools?

Based on the recommendation from our Long Range Facility Planning Committee, we construct schools of the following maximum sizes: 600-student elementary schools, 900-student middle schools, 1,200-student high schools. This was a thoughtfully made decision to maintain a community-based school focused on relationships between students, teachers, and administrators that help students thrive in the classroom and beyond.

What is the district’s transportation policy? Is bussing available?

Bussing is provided at no charge to all eligible students with special needs, elementary students who live beyond a 1-mile radius from their assigned school, to middle school students who live beyond a 1.5-mile radius from their assigned school, and to high school students who live beyond a 2-mile radius of their assigned school. Transportation services are not available for Choice Enrollment students.

What factors are considered in enrollment projections?

Estimates of future growth within the district are updated annually. Enrollment forecasts are based on a number of data sources, including: building reports from the cities of Windsor, Severance, and Greeley; school enrollments over the past 10 years; household density patterns; annual demographer reports; and information from city planners.

How do I provide feedback?

We invite you to watch the recording from the September 5 Community Forum and send your feedback to

Download the Weld RE-4 Boundary Change FAQs Handout.

Why can’t we expand our schools?

Based on the recommendation from our Long Range Facility Planning Committee, we construct schools of the following maximum sizes: 600-student elementary schools, 900-student middle schools, 1,200-student high schools. This was a thoughtfully made decision to maintain a community-based school focused on relationships between students, teachers, and administrators that help students thrive in the classroom and beyond.

If my student is applying to Tozer Primary School via Choice Enrollment, does that extend through their time at Mountain View Elementary?

Yes, if your student is accepted through Choice Enrollment to attend Tozer Primary School, they are automatically accepted for third through fifth grades at Mountain View Elementary School.