We're committed to supporting students who have sustained a concussion / head injury. If you know or suspect your student has a concussion, please contact your school nurse immediately.

A student does not have to be an athlete to receive a concussion. Concussions can occur from a blow to the head or body, a fall, or another injury that jars or shakes the brain inside the skull. Most concussions resolve within in one to three weeks. Occasionally, a student may require additional time for a full recovery. Severity and length of recovery cannot be predicted at time of injury.

We follow REAP - A Community-Based Concussion Management Program for Families, Schools, and Medical Professionals by Dr. Karen McAvoy. REAP stands for the four essential elements of concussion management: Remove / Reduce, Education, Adjust / Accommodation, and PACE.

If your student is diagnosed with a concussion, the school nurse will develop a collaborative plan to assist with education requirements. McAvoy (2014) encourages students to return to school with support from rest periods and academic adjustments.

All students with a concussion are restricted from physical activity at school; this includes recess, PE, and sports to prevent the risk of re-injury. According to research, it is okay for students to return to school with symptoms. Academics should increase as the student's symptoms decrease. All students should return to a full day without academic adjustments prior to returning to sports.


Brain Injury School Re-Entry Consulting Program (BrainSTEPS) assists Colorado schools in supporting students with acquired brain injury. Contact our district's BrainSTEPS CO Team Leader:

Nicole Sigafoos, District Nurse (970-686-8075)